
Reiki is energy.

What is this? Hocus Pocus? New age healing non-sense?

Everything is made up of energy or measurable frequencies.

Let’s do an experiment.

Think of a time when you were really sad…

How do you feel emotionally as you remember this event?
How do you feel physically as you remember this event?

Now, think of a time when you were happy…

How do you feel remembering this event?
How is this feeling different from the other memory?

Did you feel the same as the first time you experienced those events?

Everyday events have an incredible impact on our bodies.

Hormones rush around, as we think about people, memories, and our future. We’re in a constant state of change.

For example, each emotion has a different frequency:

Shame – 20hz

Anger – 150hz

Acceptance – 350hz

Love – 500hz.

What kind of music do you listen to? Does it change based on how you feel?

Reiki is a Japanese technique used to promote healing through energy.

Your body is trying to communicate.

You wake up feeling completely drained. Quickly, the weight of all your failures rush through your mind.

Maybe you make it to the couch, but that’s it. “I cannot face today.”

When you look around you imagine standing up, getting dressed, eating food. It’s too much, though. Everything is too much.

The tears start falling. They. Won’t. Stop.

Sometimes talking gets in the way.

Often, traditional therapy needs help, because people are so talented at intellectualizing in circles.

Reiki removes this trap by working with your body instead of your mind’s traps.

Reiki sessions don’t require talking or storytelling. We connect through energy, the same way you see someone in a room and know you want to be friends with them. Energy moves where it’s needed.

Whether you’re skeptical or believe in it, it doesn’t matter.

Research is presented daily about how humans are wired for connection beyond words.

Our bodies know how to heal themselves. Unfortunately, we can get in our own way.

What does a reiki session look like?

Before we start, I’ll ask if you consent to my touch or prefer no touch. Touch can assist in our connection but is not necessary.

You may sit or lay down keeping your eyes open or closed. The key is to be in a comfortable position.

Next, I’ll ask what your intention or hope for the session is. You may not have one and that’s alright. The goal is for us to connect and allow what you need in that moment to happen.

During a reiki session, I’ll float my hands above your body (or touch if you have consented to touch) to get a sense of where energy might be blocked, moving slow, moving fast, etc.

You may share your experience throughout the session or say nothing. I may instruct you to think of a memory or focus on a color. (Colors also emit frequencies that can help us move energy in our bodies.) Ultimately, I am working as a facilitator of energy. I am assisting your body in moving energy where it needs.

As the session ends, you may feel light-headed, drained, buzzing, or nothing at all.

Either way, it’s vital to drink lots of water after a reiki session because water is a conduit of energy.

Reiki is designed to assist healing.

It is not a replacement for medicine or mental health counseling.

It is an assistant.

You may need traditional therapy or to see a doctor in congruence with reiki. We can explore this together.

Curious about reiki?

Call me to schedule your free consultation: (720) 258-6448.

Distance reiki is also available over the phone or by video.